COOK AUTHENTIC ASIAN FOOD With our premium bamboo steamer.
You can steam all types of food - dumplings, Veggies, rice, fish and meat.
This high quality Handmade bamboo cooker has an incredible two tiered design that allows you to cook multiple things at once, the steam does not flow backwards, so that the food is original, and the nutrition of the food is preserved by steam heating
Our Story
From Sweden and Belgium
to The Island of Gods, Bali
This is a story of father & son from Riemst, Beligum and their friend and business partner Mac Pedari from Stockholm, Sweden.
Their friendship started 9 years ago in Bali where they live and have their individual businesses within the F&B industry, proudly Owning a few well established restaurants and hotels.
Their love for food & cooking led them to create the North Land Kitchen products, producing kitchen utensils and equipment.
With customer service and satisfaction being their highest priority and together with high standard products they wish to make everyday cooking at home a more pleasant experience for everyone around the world.